Those of you who were around last
year may
remember iFutures. For those who need a reminder, however,
iFutures is a
one-day conference for PhD researchers in the information
science community,
organised by students in the Information School at the
University of Sheffield. Last year, the conference was held to mark the 50th anniversary
of the founding
of the University’s Information Studies department, but this
time around, we’re
looking into the theme of "Research into Practice".
The plan is to interpret this theme
in two ways.
The first is to try and provide an opportunity for students to
introduce their
work and the ways in which it can potentially impact on society;
while the
second is to offer a forum for discussions about the practical
steps young
researchers can take to maximise the impact of their work, and to engage effectively with
the world beyond academia.
To support this second strand we
plan to run two
parallel interactive workshops.
- "Research Beyond Academia" (led by Sheila Webber) - will look at how to engage with industry as part of the research process, with a focus on how to identify research questions that are relevant and interesting to non-academic institutions, how to determine appropriate potential non-academic partners for grant proposals, and how to approach them and "sell" your new research ideas.
- "Disseminating your Research to Maximise Impact" (led by Dr. Paul Clough) - will explore interesting and innovative ways in which "new" researchers can disseminate their research beyond academia, and what strategies we can use to maximise the impact of our research on practice.
As for the rest of the schedule,
the programme
will include keynote talks by two distinguished speakers - David
(Professor of Information Science, City University) and Mounia
(Principal Research Scientist, Yahoo! Labs). There will also be
presented by PhD students, and a lunchtime poster session.
Finally the
programme includes a repeat of last year's highly successful
Pecha Kucha
session. While nerve-wracking for presenters (just ask Dan and
Simon), we hope
the unconventional format (twenty slides each displayed for
twenty seconds)
will both entertain and stimulate discussion.
We welcome submissions from
doctoral students at
any stage of their research, and full details of the submissions
process can be
found on our site,